Ok I'm starting this new segment on my blog called "Katie the Critic". Whenever I read a book (which is a lot) or go to a movie (which is a little) I will write a review of what I thought. (Warning: there may be spoilers below)
My first review: Knowing

Well I thought this movie is maybe a C+.
It catches you right away at the beginning, but it is also VERY strange and a little disturbing at some points. If your not into scary or intense movies I do not recommend this. I don't know if the movie is really as scary as I thought it was or if it was just me playing around with my friends thinking it was scary. (but don't get me wrong it was scary- I screamed at one part) After you get over the first wave of scary-ness it just gets weird. The ending was NOT happy- I even cried. It does make you think a little and make your own assumptions on what happened. So this movie goes from disturbing, to intense, to scary, to sad, then to weird. I don't think I would bring young kids to this movie, but that's just me. I know this all sounds kind of negative, but it is a good movie and if your into this kind then you should see it.
Click here to read the story line: http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1810034384/details