After this post I will have finished everything from Oklahoma!
My grandpa always takes our nice wall pictures so he took mine while I was there.
This is the (super scary and gross) lake that Emily and I swam in multiple times. My first time I went swimming in it I was freaking out! My feet were touching icky mud and I swore something swam next to me at least a hundred times!
The tree house! Emily and I sat out here many hours talking, texting, and just laying there enjoying the nice weather
We spent A LOT of time texting <3
Chickens! Every time I would talk to Claire on the phone she would ask about the chickens
Riding Horses! This time was extra fun because I actually got to ride the horse out side of the pasture!
I got to ride Twila
At the airport :( Leaving was the saddest thing ever! I actually started crying on the airplane.
Emily and I are the best of friends and I miss her sooo much already! We both decided that I should move in with her :)