For this months church dance we had 80's theme! It was amazing! I think half the fun was dressing up and doing our makeup/hair!

Brittani, Shelby, me, and Leah

We took lots of pictures :D

Brittani and Leah! cutee

More pictures! They all walked home with me after school so we had a lot of time to get ready and have fun!

How cute are we? Extremely!

Were finally at the dance! It was so fun! Taylor (last on the right) coulnt come over so we met her there- thats when the real fun started! Love ya Taylor!!

After the dance we had to wait a while for our ride... so we took more pictures!

I love this! (I'm wearing Josh's shoes- that's why they have pen all over them)

The whole group <3
ya looked simply fab! fab in the 80s sense, of course. :) nice work.