Sunday, April 5, 2009

General Conference

Luckily for general conference we can just listen to it on our computer. We turn the volume up way loud so we can hear it all over the house. I went around and took some fun pictures of what everyone was doing.

I was working on sewing my costume for youth conference! Fun! (more posts on that later)

Mom was helping :)

Josh was sitting on the front porch enjoying the fresh air

Claire was up all night sick :( so she took a nap

Melanie shares a room with Claire so she was also up all night

It was such a nice day that in between sessions we went on family walk. After conference we had hamburgers on the grill and ate outside on the picnic table.


  1. sounds like a really good conference weekend! wish we could have enjoyed it with ya. :)

  2. These pictures are awesome! I wish I was with your family for conference time. It looks so nice.
